
Skyrim max number of mods
Skyrim max number of mods

Useless underwater plants and more: be gone!

  • Meshes are removed so you can’t accidentally select them with the console.
  • 100% safe to install or uninstall mid-playthrough, no danger of save corruption.
  • Simply replaces cloud textures with blank transparent ones.
  • Even if your game runs well enough to not see a decent boost with this mod, you may prefer it to see the sky better and have less overcast, dreary weather. Well, technically it replaces them with blank textures, so you won’t see them and they won’t affect your performance. This mod does exactly what you’d expect, it gets rid of the clouds in your game. Remove CloudsĪ cloudless sky can help your game out in terms of performance.
  • The mesh files for these plants have simply been edited so they can’t be loaded into the world.
  • Offers an FPS increase for PCs that get slowed down by all of the extra plants.
  • skyrim max number of mods

  • Removes all plants (excluding: harvestable plants, trees, and grass).
  • If you’re an alchemist don’t worry, this mod doesn’t get rid of any harvestable plants. However, if you are someone who can go with or without them to prioritize performance, this mod will be great for you.

    skyrim max number of mods

    This mod might be a deal-breaker if you can't get enough flora and greenery in your game like me. Plants removed by this mod to help your performance. Make sure you have the must-haves installed, to begin with, such as Unofficial Skyrim Patch.

    skyrim max number of mods

    Whichever is the case, these mods are all about boosting your game’s performance so you can get back to running at (or above) the golden standard of 60 FPS. Maybe your pc components are a little outdated, or maybe your game is filled with more mods than it seems to be able to handle. There are a number of reasons that mods can begin to affect Skyrim’s performance. The more mods you add to your game, the more performance can be affected depending on your PC.

    Skyrim max number of mods